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[doris] [pengtiong novel] [xiaohui] [chengsiang] [pengtiong]
[kat] [wenjian] [quanyuan] [sis] [cheryl]
[peiling] [pamela] [audrey] [joanne] [joan]
[xiner] [sharyl] [yvonne]

``+his stoRy+.
November 2004
December 2004
January 2005
February 2005
March 2005
April 2005
May 2005
June 2005
August 2005
September 2005
October 2005
November 2005
January 2006
March 2006
May 2006
June 2006
August 2006
October 2006

`--i AM...
toot ken
njc ip
8 aug
liverpool rox! =)

`--i LOVE...
+`Food! munch!
+`Colour blue.white.
+`Singer Jay.n.mysinging.urgh.

`--i HATE...
+`Food gross food like.. raw brinjal?
+`Colour darkgreen.
+`Singer everyone sings betta den me..

`--can i have...
[x]niketotal90 boots
[_]adidas shinguards
[x]a beautiful goal during training..
[_]lol from you!
[x]new converse sling bag
[_]reebokbagwithliverpool logo for putting boots..

Tuesday, August 30, 2005
Don't know what's the matter with me these days.

Just getting quite intolerant. Perhaps its the inhumane workload thats killing everyone's braincells and slashing our sleeping time. They never get it- Don't squish them all together! But ohwell, thats the way it has to be since the end of the term's when we know the subjs best. But it is still stupid.

Yesterday was a very emotional (sad) day for everyone in general. Well.. there was IH essay which sucked (nvm shan't go into it), Maths lesson was pretty bad too, super blur. Sighh.. Then had to slap myself to be awake after trng to finish studying the Ih test, which was bad too, and the BLOODY COW 1105 which everyone about got the same marks, not that that was not good but kinda dumb.

Just sucks la. After finishing one major assignment, u look at the to-do list and realise that just 30% of the 140% done, like haha, nice one. DAMN SIAN CANNNN.

Sigh. But that's the fate of everyone.. so.. yeah. We're not alone.

Nvm, hols coming soon. I wanna sleep and u all wake up when October ends kays? Thanks. =/

alonso curledin a brilliantbender 6:57 PM.

Friday, August 19, 2005
Since entering IP, I've realised that the amount of time spent on transport has INCREASED quite alot. Well.. for one, I've been zooming in and out of Bishan for the past month or so, noting that Bishan is supposedly 42+4=46 mins from Lakeside, and thats just the time taken for the train. Therefore, i spend my time wisely and usually sleep.. and miss my stop, waking up only at Boonlay by strangers who goes, "Oi, wake up."

154s have also taken over last year's 98s as the bus that i pray that do not leave just when i reach the bus stop, as it sometimes does, leaving me sitting at the bench for another 20 minutes looking like a total idiot. And after i board the WTBC bus, i sleep.. for 45 mins.

Note that i sleep incessantly on public transport.

Anyway, that reminds me of the time when i saw this incident which was ^%!@#^$&!@^&%#!%#&... well you decide.

As i was early for the steamboat at marina on nat' day eve, i sat down outside the gate and played with my phone. There was a mother and a daughter beside me and older female was reading a book while the 9-10 year old girl was 'skating' around with her no-friction shoes. After going to and fro for countless times, the girl stopped, cause obviously she was tired. While she was cooling down and resting her glam mom asked her to go ask the lady at the info counter what time the train stops operation that day. So the girl zoomed to counter and the lady pointed towards my direction. The girl thought it was the board above me and zoomed and checked and told her mom '10!'. The mom's faced chnged.

Mom: 'No. It cannot be. Today is a special day. It cannot be so early. GO check again."

Girl: *Shakes head*

Mom(tone getting stronger): Why not! I'm telling you to go. Today is a special day! The trains SHOULD operate until quite late today!

Girl: *Shakes head violently*

Mom (Um.. quite red-faced): GO NOW. GO CHECK NOW.

The girl's eyes brimmed with tears and she went to check. The lady had pointed wrongly and it was 2.15.

The girl came back and murmured, " 2.10, err no 2.15" (probably cause she was still scared of her mom)

Mom: 2.10 or 2.15?! How can you be unsure about things? IF you yourself are unsure how are u gonna convince OTHERS? how do you expect others to trust you? How can you be so irresponsible! Go check again!"

After she went to check again and confirmed it was 2.15, the mom told her in quite a matter to fact tone, " I'm not trying to scold u (i'm sure, very sure indeed), but you have to know what you are doing if not how do you want people to believe you?! And how can you be so unsure? and why didnt you want to ask again?

Girl: But i asked again what and i asked twice leh.


Lamers of the world unite. -.-'''

alonso curledin a brilliantbender 10:36 PM.