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[doris] [pengtiong novel] [xiaohui] [chengsiang] [pengtiong]
[kat] [wenjian] [quanyuan] [sis] [cheryl]
[peiling] [pamela] [audrey] [joanne] [joan]
[xiner] [sharyl] [yvonne]

``+his stoRy+.
November 2004
December 2004
January 2005
February 2005
March 2005
April 2005
May 2005
June 2005
August 2005
September 2005
October 2005
November 2005
January 2006
March 2006
May 2006
June 2006
August 2006
October 2006

`--i AM...
toot ken
njc ip
8 aug
liverpool rox! =)

`--i LOVE...
+`Food! munch!
+`Colour blue.white.
+`Singer Jay.n.mysinging.urgh.

`--i HATE...
+`Food gross food like.. raw brinjal?
+`Colour darkgreen.
+`Singer everyone sings betta den me..

`--can i have...
[x]niketotal90 boots
[_]adidas shinguards
[x]a beautiful goal during training..
[_]lol from you!
[x]new converse sling bag
[_]reebokbagwithliverpool logo for putting boots..

Sunday, October 30, 2005
This is kinda late but ohwell.
Yes, there have been quite a few unhappy moments during the course of the year, but I can't seem to remember them.. (Told you forgetfulness was good) Rather, the good times still stay within radius of my frailing memory.The first year of IP has ended, leaving us really wondering "Huh. So fast meh?" I guess time zooms when you're really busy trying to stay alive with the never ending workload that I probably would never have experienced had I stayed on in Commonwealth. Hmmm.. Even though life in IP is really competitive and energy draining, i dun think any IPers would doubt that it was F.U.N. (F is for friends that do stuff together.. okay pardon me i just rmbed the song) and very fulfilling!

This is totally random but for you ppl who knows nuts about soccer, Man Utd lost 4-1 to Middlesborough. Time to roll on the floor and ahemLahemAahemUahemGahemHahem.

Hmmm.. I don't really think we felt that our class was one of the best at the start of the year ba, especially when we got Mr Ho scolding us so very often and our class was not quite bonded as one.. But as the days and months went by, our class became closer and more united through the many ups and downs that we've been through together as one.

This year has been quite an expereicen for me and I really really really hope 03 doesnt split next year! Hmm wanna thank everyone in 03, some more than others, for this wonderful IP year! Love 03!

alonso curledin a brilliantbender 8:42 AM.

Sunday, October 23, 2005
Screw you blogger for eating my posts twice.

alonso curledin a brilliantbender 8:06 PM.

Okay blogger just ate my post about how much assessment week sucked..

Might be a sign that I shldn't think about it.. Ohwell I'm not gna blog abt the same thing..

Its your LOSS, not mine =) (okay kidding)

Okay I'm still gna blog back the same thing cause i dno what else to blog abt.

Ah. Assessment week has come and went, and almost brought me along to the molten magma of the earth's crust. One day I might be that speck of magma that works its way through the continental crust OR become an igneous rock. Kays. i shld shut up abt litho.

Well. Anw, it has been really bad. Kinda gave up all hope on doing well for it le.. After totally (yes totally) screwing up SPA, and making a mess out of the 'freaking easy and no kick' bio paper. Hmmm.. Yes Michelle, I will read the bloody question carefully next time. I willlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll. This is the worst eoy's i've ever takennnnnn.

Ohwell. Guess there's nth much that'll get accomplished through me talking about assessment week which is over, except for the eoy resolution that I'll work harder next year, since I've not really been putting in my best for studies this year. And considering that its me who's making the resolution, ha x 10^n. Odds of me remembering that resolution at the end of next year is almost equivalent to that of everton winning, no, drawing with chelsea.

AND. I needa rummage through my brain and find out that loose wire there thats making me incredibly blur & ultimately careless. The latter was my buddy for assessment week. Lemme tell you why. Throughout this year, I have:
  1. Misread the question
  2. Didnt even see the question
  3. See the question and be SMUG and go 'HAHA! I SEE BEFORE! HAPPY!' and laugh at the paper while in actual fact, the paper doesnt understand why i am laughing since I got the &*(^&!#^&$&*!%!( domain wrong.
  4. Miscalculated
  5. Jump from the question paper to doing the experiment cause everyone started doing and ended up not realising that i have to find salt X and Y.
  6. And many more.



Okay i've gotta go back to bio.. Needa do well to scrape an A..



alonso curledin a brilliantbender 7:29 PM.